The NAACP Dane County will present a community Black Workers Forum designed to highlight issues, and ultimately define solutions for the employment challenges confronting many Black Workers in Dane County today. The event will be held Thursday, Feb. 25, 5-8:30 p.m. at the Madison Labor Temple on Madison’s south side.
In keeping with the NAACP’s social justice mission, the Black Workers Forum will seek solutions to improve the economic status of Black Workers in Dane County by initiating and implementing a network of cosponsoring organizations and individuals to assist the NAACP’s efforts to obtain tangible achievements in: 1.) Eliminating discriminatory employment practices in industry and government, wage differentials based on race, unequal opportunities for training promotion and unfair dismissals; 2.) Encouraging greater participation in the trade union movement; 3.) Ending discriminatory practices in labor unions and 4.) Improving opportunities in vocational and apprenticeship training.
Panelists will include:
· Donald Smith, AFSCME Local 6000
· Corneil White, Fight for $15
· Evette Gardner, Fight for $15
· Will P. Jones, UW-Madison
· Brandi Grayson, YGB Coalition
The panel moderator will be Martha de la Rosa, Executive Director of Wisconsin Jobs Now.
Co-sponsors of the event include: Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice, South Central Federation of Labor, Wisconsin Jobs Now, Worker Rights Center, WORT-FM, WRTP/BIG STEP and Young, Gifted and Black Coalition.
For more information, contact Bill Franks, NAACP Dane County Labor & Industry Chair, at (608)658-3236 or click here.