Madison area nonprofits are eligible for immediate financial support through Forward Community Investments.
FCI is offering $50,000 ($2,500 per grant) for need-based aid to small nonprofits, which have been affected by COVID-19.
Nonprofits are providing critical services such as financial assistance, food and shelter to families during the COVID-19 crisis; but simultaneously have difficulty accessing federal funding for businesses, according to FCI’s website.
“While we understand the focus on relief for small businesses during this pandemic-inspired economic crisis, we must not sideline nonprofits,” Mackey wrote to Madison365 in an email. “These mission-focused businesses provide critical support and services to Wisconsin communities. Just as health workers are our primary defense against COVID-19, nonprofits are the safety net for children, families, and neighborhoods as they navigate the combined challenge of national health and economic crises. In times like these, demand for services increases while financial support decreases as donors and funders adjust to the economic environment.”
As of May 13, FCI has received over 100 applications.
“It has been heartening to see local funders and individual donors increase their support for nonprofits during this time. But, we all recognize that the timeline for a safe economic return will extend much longer – and require greater levels of assistance – than any of us would have wished,” she said in an email.
To apply, organizations have to fill out a 12 question application; only two of the questions are short answers, requiring less than 350 words each. Application deadline is Wednesday, May 20, with winners being announced on Tuesday, May 26.
In order to be eligible groups must be a 501c3 organization, or supported by a 501c3. The group must be: located in Wisconsin; be serving rural communities, people of color, low to moderate-income individuals or other marginalized groups; and be working towards reducing racial and economic barriers. The nonprofit must have less than 10 full-time employees, and an annual budget of less than $500,000, according to FCI’s website.
For information, visit
To apply, click here.