The Boys and Girls Club of Dane County (BGCDC) has offered a managerial job to Marlon Anderson, the Madison West High School security guard who was fired Wednesday for using a racial slur while defending himself from a student using the slur against him.
“We wanted to give him a soft landing,” said BGCDC CEO Michael Johnson. “He seems like he is loved. We’ll respect him and we’ll use his talent at the Boys and Girls Club.”
Johnson said Anderson will be the “right hand” of the BGC vice president of operations, assisting with safety and security as well as teen programming and other duties.
Johnson said the appointment is temporary while Anderson goes through the grievance process with the school district, which could result in his job being reinstated. He did say, though, that “if it’s a good fit,” Anderson could be invited to stay on, whether or not the school district offers him his job back.
Johnson said BGCDC would match Anderson’s school district salary.
About 1,000 students marched to the district office today to demand that he be reinstated.