Christian Albouras has announced his candidacy today for District 20 alder on the Madison Common Council. Alder Matt Phair will not seek re-election to the Common Council in the spring of 2019 after four terms representing District 20.

“I am running because I am committed to creating a district and city that looks to the future and provides opportunity for everyone,” Albouras said in a statement. “If elected, from day one, I will work to build a broad consensus of community members who are eager to continue the progress that has been made and yet, are ready to do the hard work necessary to meet the challenges we will still face and advocate for the interests of our district residents.”

Albouras lives in the Meadowood Neighborhood along with his wife Miriah, and their daughter, Nathalia. He has indicated that he will focus on public safety and basic services, youth engagement, education and afterschool programming, and economic development if elected to the Council. Albouras is a member of multiple community organizations and works in business development within the credit union industry. Albouras says that he is proud to have the early support of current District 20 Alder Matt Phair.

“I’ve known Christian to be a deeply committed, level-headed resident of our district,” Phair said in a statement. “His knack of listening to all sides of an issue, while balancing it with strong principles, will serve the district and city extremely well.”