Home Featured DATCP now accepting applications for Tribal Elder Community Food Box Program

DATCP now accepting applications for Tribal Elder Community Food Box Program

DATCP now accepting applications for Tribal Elder Community Food Box Program
Tribal Elder Community Food Box

Hunger impacts every community in the United States, however, Native Americans are more likely to be impacted the most. With that in mind, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) is now accepting applications for the 2025 Tribal Elder Community Food Box Program designed to provide grants to nonprofit food assistance organizations to purchase and distribute food to tribal elders.

Tribal Elder Community Food Boxes typically contain proteins such as grass-fed beef, bison, chicken, and pork and produce items such as greens, apples, berries, heirloom white corn, beans, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, and other seasonal fresh foods.

DATCP will award a total of up to $1.5 million through this program in 2025. These funds will bolster current efforts to purchase and distribute food to Tribal elders and support Indigenous-based food producers. There is no minimum request amount, and applicants may apply for up to $1.5 million. No match is required.

Selected project contracts and work may begin in June. Grant information and application materials are available here.