Home Wisconsin Leadership Summit Dr. Joan Prince to Moderate Panel on Higher Education at Wisconsin Leadership Summit

Dr. Joan Prince to Moderate Panel on Higher Education at Wisconsin Leadership Summit

Dr. Joan Prince to Moderate Panel on Higher Education at Wisconsin Leadership Summit

We are thrilled to announce that longtime higher education leader Dr. Joan Prince will moderate the Wisconsin Leadership Summit panel titled “Beyond Forward: Have Colleges and Universities Prepared the Next Generation for the Workforce Our State Needs?”

Dr. Prince serves as Vice Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, appointed in 2000. She is the chief administrator for the Divisions of Global Inclusion and Engagement and Partnerships and Innovation, with responsibilities as the Chief Inclusion Officer.  Her discipline focus is as a Clinical Associate Professor in Medical Laboratory Sciences, with a specialty in Hematology. 

A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Prince was the first African American recipient of a bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology and master’s in clinical laboratory sciences, with a specialty in Hematology and Flow Cytometry from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.  She also holds a doctorate degree in Urban Education, with a specialty in Medical Science Education from UWM.   

In 2012, Dr. Joan M. Prince was nominated by President Barack Obama to the key administrative post of Alternate Representative to the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations, with the honorary rank of Ambassador.  This diplomatic position also maintained an appointment as a Senior Advisor to the State Department and Public Delegate.  In her roles she occupied the United States Chair in the General Assembly of the United Nations with the authority to deliver statements on behalf of the United States regarding global human rights policy.  Dr. Prince is the first Wisconsinite to be appointed to this presidential service opportunity.

Dr. Prince has been acknowledged as a 2007 Aspen Institute Fellow, a 2008 member of the International Jewish Council’s Civic Leadership delegation to Israel, a fellow of the Millennium Leadership Institute Class of 2009 for higher education executives, and a 2011-12 Fellow of the American Council on Education.  She is a former member of many civic boards, both locally and nationally, and has received numerous awards in recognition of her commitment to community service.

Register now for the state’s premier professional development, networking and community building event for and by people of color!