In an address to the state Tuesday evening, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers urged Wisconsinites to stay home and follow social distancing guidelines as coronavirus cases grow across the state.
“Wearing a mask is not a political statement. It’s a sign to coworkers or strangers that you pass in the grocery store that you care about them, and they care about you too,” Evers said.
Earlier this evening, Evers signed Executive Order #94 which advises citizens to stay home and follow COVID-29 safety precautions.
Evers also noted that the Wiscosnisn’s federal CARES Act dollars will expire on December 31.
“Please contact your congressperson and ask them to provide additional support and resources for our state’s response to this virus,” said Evers. “We must be able to continue all our efforts to keep people healthy and safe.”
Evers concluded his address by stating that Wisconsin can “beat the virus” if everyone plays their part in slowing the spread.
“The fight against this virus is winnable, but only if we fight it together,” he said. “So tonight, we must also offer our neighbors a promise of a better tomorrow. A promise that each of us will play a part in delivering by doing everything we can. Right now we’ve got plenty to prove a lot to lose. Let’s get to work, and let’s move forward together and Wisconsin.”
Tuesday afternoon, the state Department of Health Services reported a record number of new cases — 7,095 — and deaths — 66.