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Freedom Inc to host LGBT+ Black Staff meet & greet Friday

Freedom Inc to host LGBT+ Black Staff meet & greet Friday

Freedom Inc., a local Black and Southeast Asian non-profit organization, is hosting an LGBTQIA+ Black Staff Meet & Greet this week to build a deeper connection with their Madison communities.

This event, to be held Friday, Oct. 2, 1-4 p.m. at 2110 Luann Ln, Madison, will give Black, LGTBQIA+ Madisonians a chance to connect with Freedom Inc. staff and learn about the services and programs available to them.

“A lot of us are recent additions to the organization,” said Nour Franklin, a Black LGBTQIA+ coordinator who helped organize the event. “I think the perception is that Freedom Inc. is more an organization for Southeast Asian folks and cisgender folks so we wanted to let people know that we also do serve queer and Black people as well.”

While adhering to COVID-19 guidelines, people will have the opportunity to get care packages, ask Freedom Inc. staff about the services, offer suggestions on what they may need from Freedom Inc., or go to their open food pantry.

Freedom Inc. will also have hand sanitizer and masks available at their event.

“This is going to be a space where [folks] can talk to us,” said Teena Wilder, admin assistant. “This is a time for us to interact with folks from the Madison community and get a gauge on what exactly do they want from us and what do they need from us? Then we’re able to provide that.”

As for current services available, Freedom Inc. does work around housing and food security and often, Freedom Inc. works with local resources when building our programs. They also work heavily in providing services to Southeast Asian queer people, Southeast Asian women, and Black women who are victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

For this event, Wilder is excited to give spaces to Black and queer people in Madison.

“I’m excited to let people know that we’re here as support, as a friend, and as a guide. We’re here to help in whatever capacity we can,” Wilder said.