Home Arts & Entertainment Madison Looking for Diverse Artists and Venues for Make Music Madison 2020

Madison Looking for Diverse Artists and Venues for Make Music Madison 2020

Madison Looking for Diverse Artists and Venues for Make Music Madison 2020

Musicians are already gearing up for the 8th annual Make Music Madison Day this summer and organizers are looking to host diverse acts and venues here in Madison. Venue registration starts Wednesday, April 1st and ends Friday, May 15th. Musician registration begins on Tuesday, April 7th.

Make Music Day is one of the world’s largest music events held annually on June
21st. Make Music Day is part of the International Fête de la Musique, taking place in
over 1,000 cities across 120 countries. The daylong, musical free-for-all celebrates
music in all its forms, encouraging people to band together and play in free public

Completely different from a typical musical festival, Make Music concerts are
performed by anyone who wants to take part and enjoyed by everyone who wants to attend. From classical to folk, hip hop to opera, Latin jazz to punk rock, live music of all
kinds resound on streets, sidewalks, front porches, balconies, parks, gardens, storefronts and other public spaces on the longest day of the year.

Eight years ago, Madison decided to host Make Music Day all around the city and it has helped to spur economic development and tourism, highlight Madison’s diverse neighborhoods, and celebrate talent and amateur local musicians. The city of Madison has experienced some of the highest levels of participation out of 80 American host cities.

Last year, Madison presented over 400 concerts at 100 venues performed by over 1,000 musicians of all ages and genres. Venues included businesses, parks, museums, schools, cultural institutions, places of worship, retirement communities, hospitals, and cooperatives. Each year, more private residents are hosting house concerts in gardens, backyards, and even on balconies.

Make Music Madison welcomes you to participate in 2020. Registration is free and easy. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or call 608-216-6189.