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Madison365 Week in Review for February 18

Madison365 Week in Review for February 18

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P_HHArchitect094The second session of the Hip Hop Architecture Camp had kids dreaming big for what their neighborhoods could be.



P_Hawthorne RYHO 2More than a dozen area schools held “Read Your Heart Out” events.



P_TonyRobinson12A federal judge dismissed the City of Madison as a defendant in the civil rights lawsuit brought by the mother of Tony Robinson.



JFKProtestA Syrian refugee living in Wisconsin has sued the Trump administration over the Muslim travel ban.



briaBria Brown, better known as Unapologetically Bria Bea, answered our 12 questions.



Carmen De La PazHGTV star Carmen de la Paz will headline the Latino Chamber of Commerce gala next weekend.



P_Sankofa039Sankofa Behavioral and Community Health held its first “Black Love” fundraiser last night.



GetOutPosterThings got a little testy at a special preview screening of the racially-charged horror film Get Out at Union South.



P_NigelHayesBobbyKelsey03UW Badger forward and Boys and Girls Club volunteer Nigel Hayes was nominated for the Senior CLASS Award.



Joe-Parisi-733x380Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced an effort to provide more services to immigrants.



A voter casts his ballot in the Pennsylvania primary at a polling place inside a firehouse in PhiladelphiaColumnist Stephanie Díaz de León noted that more people participated in the Women’s March on Madison than voted in the spring primary last year — even though voting is far more convenient — and would like everyone to consider making their next march right to their polling place on Tuesday.


donald-trump-bill-oreillyColumnist Robert Montgomery wrote that it’s quite troubling the way Donald Trump makes a moral equivalence between America and Russia — and how dangerous the alt-right has gotten.


In other news …

Hampton University President William Harvey hammered BET and its new show The Quad for what he considers an inaccurate portrayal of HBCU life.

An African American aide to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Nominee Ben Carson was fired for past criticism of Donald Trump.

Kareem Abdul-Jabar enjoyed La La Land, but has some things to say about its whitewashing of jazz.

It was revealed this week that the founder of Little Caesar’s quietly paid the rent for Rosa Parks for years.

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