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Meet the Madison365 Academy Class of 2018

Meet the Madison365 Academy Class of 2018

For the third consecutive year, Madison365 has partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County, with major financial support from the Madison Community Foundation and American Family Insurance, to bring together young people of color for an intense, six-week “journalism boot camp.” These students — some still in high school, some recent graduates — will spend the next month and a half learning to research, interview and write news, feature and opinion pieces, and you’ll get to see those pieces right here on Madison365.

Here are the new voices you’ll be hearing over the course of the summer!

Onoria Haire is an upcoming senior at Madison LaFollette High School and enjoys the creative arts including writing. She aspires to be a child therapist, counselor, or psychologist.



Abdou Karim Darboe is a lot of things. He is a soccer player who loves the game and how it can never be controlled. Abdou is also someone who likes to learn by doing because he believes it builds a good foundation to who you are. He is a recent graduate of Madison East High School.


Palkyi Gurgon Kyap is going to be a senior at Madison East High School. She is interested in majoring in a medical field but wants to explore new occupations.



Michelle Rodriguez is a rising senior at Madison West High School. She is dedicated to confronting social constructs and enlightening others to be kind.



Ruben Elvira is a high schooler who wants to know more about what it means to be a journalist and how the business works. Although he wants to be a doctor, he wants to explore more options before making his final decision.


Cassidy McGee is a sophomore at Madison College who aspires to be a sideline reporter for the NFL.




Susila Rai is a Scholars of Promise student who recently graduated from Madison West and who aspires to go into the medical field.  



They’re already hard at work!