Home Featured Milwaukee Bucks will hold championship parade Thursday

Milwaukee Bucks will hold championship parade Thursday

Milwaukee Bucks will hold championship parade Thursday
(Jeffrey Phelps)

From our content partner, Channel 3000.

MILWAUKEE — For the first time in 50 years, the Milwaukee Bucks will bring a championship parade to downtown Milwaukee.

Bucks players, coaches, owners and executive will be in attendance to cheer on the 2021 NBA champions following their historic win against the Phoenix Suns. Gov. Tony Evers, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, and Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley will also be in attendance.

The parade is scheduled to start at 11 a.m. It will start at the intersection of East Wisconsin Avenue and North Prospect Avenue. It will then continue on Wisconsin Avenue before turning north onto North Water Street. The parade will continue on Water Street to East Knapp Street before ending at the Milwaukee River.