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New “Wisconsin Biographies” shares legacy of Mohican teacher and mentor

New “Wisconsin Biographies” shares legacy of Mohican teacher and mentor
Animation from “Electa Quinney: Mohican Teacher and Mentor” (Photo Credit PBS Wisconsin Education)

In continued efforts to explore and raise awareness of diverse Indigenous stories, history, and culture in Wisconsin, PBS Wisconsin Education will be launching their newest addition to their “Wisconsin Biographies” collection on Tuesday, Nov. 7 at approximately 7:55 p.m. upon conclusion of “Finding Your Roots” on PBS Wisconsin. 

The new animated video will be titled “Electa Quinney: Mohican Teacher and Mentor” and will follow Quinney’s legacy as the first public school teacher in Wisconsin and mentor in the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican community where both traditional Native education and non-Native education were used to keep Mohican culture and values alive, according to a press release from PBS Wisconsin. The video is also available now online at https://pbswisconsineducation.org

This piece of important and impactful history is a piece of Wisconsin Biographies’ larger mission to support education and knowledge by highlighting historical figures through online media resources.

Animation from “Electa Quinney: Mohican Teacher and Mentor”
(Photo Credit PBS Wisconsin Education)

PBS worked closely with educators, students, scriptwriters, story consultants, voiceover, art, music talent, and advisors, along with collaboration from the Stockbridge-Munsee community and approval from the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians Tribal Council to provide an animated video, a digital book with audio, a gallery of historical images, and an educator guide.

PBS Wisconsin Education Director Megan Monday showed gratitude towards the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans Indians Community, especially Monique Tyndall, director of the tribal nation’s cultural affairs office, along with many other contributors.

“We couldn’t have done justice to the Electa Quinney story without the deep collaboration from the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Community,” Monday said in a press release. “Working directly with the community ensured historical and representational accuracy and enhanced the art and storytelling of the resources.”

Funding for “Wisconsin Biographies: Electa Quinney” is provided by the Timothy William Trout Education Fund, a gift of Monroe and Sandra Trout, donors to the Focus Fund for Education, and Friends of PBS Wisconsin.