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Submit a News Tip

If you know of a story that needs to be told, you’re in the right place!

You can let us know about your story in one of several ways.

For press releases, event announcements and similar items, email to [email protected].

For other stories and tips, such as:

  • Incidents of racism
  • Corrupt practices within government agencies or corporations
  • Bad behavior by elected officials
  • Impacts of new federal policies on local agencies, businesses or federal workers

You can:

  • Email [email protected]
  • Call 608-690-3510
  • Send a secure message via Signal to @robchappell.65
  • Use the form below.

If you are a primary source of information that we report on, WE need to know who you are so that we can verify the information you provide. However, in most cases, you can remain publicly anonymous.

Click here for more useful information on talking to the media, how to be prepared, and how the process works.