Home Arts & Entertainment 19th annual Viva México Festival will commemorate Mexican Independence Day virtually

19th annual Viva México Festival will commemorate Mexican Independence Day virtually

19th annual Viva México Festival will commemorate Mexican Independence Day virtually

The official celebration of the independence of Mexico is approaching, and many Madisonians look forward to celebrating at La Movida’s Viva México Festival with a full day of music, activities and fun traditionally held at Breese Stevens Field. However, this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 19th annual Viva México Festival – like most everything else in 2020 – is going virtual.

On Wednesday, Sept. 16, 5 p.m., WLMV-La Movida 1480AM, 94.5FM and Mid-West Family Broadcasting will be presenting an event for the community to be able to enjoy the official festival for the commemoration and celebration of the Independence of Mexico live and from the comfort of their own homes.

Last year’s Viva Mexico Festival at Breese Stevens Field

“I think we need to be creative on keeping the community together and giving them a little bit of relief or distraction from COVID-19, politics or even homeschooling,” Lupita Montoto, co-owner of La Movida Radio, tells Madison365. “The idea to celebrating Mexican Independence Day is a way of keeping our tradition and culture alive and at the same time is a way of remembering the great time we have had every year celebrating together as a whole.

“We invite everyone to be part of this year’s virtual celebration via Facebook Live or downloading our La Movida App, so we can broadcast the 19th Viva Mexico Festival statewide,” she adds.

The event traditionally kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15) and includes great musical acts, delicious Mexican food, kids’ activities, traditional Latino folk dancers, exhibits, face painting, a cultural area, information, and more.

Lupita Montoto at Viva México Festival

This year’s virtual event will feature many special guests, leaders, and members of Dane County’s Latinx community. As every year, the event will feature a proclamation by Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and Shiva Bidar of the Madison City Council, Fitchburg Mayor Aaron Richardson and Julia Arata-Fratta of the Fitchburg City Council, along with County Executive Joe Parisi.

‘El Grito de la Independencia’ (Cry of Independence) kicks off the event every year and honors Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo’s first call to arms that were made in the village of Dolores, in the state of Guanajuato.

“I talked to Consul Julián Adem Díaz de León of the Mexican Consulate based in Milwaukee and shared the idea of creating a virtual celebration that can be shared statewide and he loved the idea,” Lupita Montoto says. “He’ll be doing the Oficial ceremonies and El Grito [de Independencia] from the Consulate in Milwaukee. Locally, our officials from the City of Madison, Fitchburg and Dane County will be doing the proclamation of the event like every year.”

Luis Montoto, co-owner of La Movida Radio, says that during the COVID-19 pandemic that “we have learned to adapt to circumstances and to carry responsibilities, work and daily tasks based on possibilities.”

“It is for this reason that we have decided to continue the tradition of celebrating such a commemorative date,” Luis Montoto said. “The 19th Festival Viva México 2020 is an event that highlights the traditions, patriotism and cultural heritage of the Mexican people. We extend the warmest invitation to join this special broadcast next Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 5 p.m.”

For more information about the 19th Festival Viva México 2020, please contact Lupita Montoto directly at [email protected]