The 2015 Racial Justice Summit titled “From a Moment to a Movement: Building the Beloved Community” will be held October 1-2 at the Concourse Hotel in downtown Madison.
Keynote speakers will include:
◆ Rachel D. Godsil, a director at the Perception Institute and the Eleanor Bontecou Professor of Law at Seton Hall University Law School.
◆ Alexis McGill Johnson, executive director of Perception Institute.
◆ Ian Haney López, a constitutional law scholar, a chaired law professor at UC Berkeley, and a Senior Fellow at Demos.
◆ Loretta Ross, a co-founder of the SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective and an expert on women’s issues, hate groups, racism and intolerance, human rights, and violence against women.
◆ Shakil Choudhury, a highly-regarded consultant, having worked with organizations such as: Human Resources Development Canada (HRSDC), Ontario Public Sector, Ontario Human Rights Commission, and many more
Each year, the YWCA Madison hosts a racial justice summit that brings together community stakeholders to work on eliminating barriers that foster racism in our community. The summit focuses on institutional racism and involves nationally-known keynote speakers and researchers, as well as local experts and advocates.
For more information, click here.