Home Featured 6th annual Sun Prairie B.E.A.M. Awards will illuminate Black excellence in the community May 5

6th annual Sun Prairie B.E.A.M. Awards will illuminate Black excellence in the community May 5

6th annual Sun Prairie B.E.A.M. Awards will illuminate Black excellence in the community May 5
A Sun Prairie family celebrates at the B.E.A.M. Awards.

The 6th Annual Sun Prairie B.E.A.M. Awards will be held at Sun Prairie West High School, 2850 Ironwood Dr., on Sunday, May 5, 2 p.m.

B.E.A.M. stands for “Black Excellence Achievement Makers” and is an event to challenge the negative narrative often associated with Black students and/or adult advocates. The B.E.A.M. awards “shine a beaming light” on the positive examples of Black excellence and achievement in the Sun Prairie community.

“We are thrilled to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the B.E.A.M. Awards and continue our mission of highlighting Black excellence in Sun Prairie,” said Marilyn Ruffin, the founder of BEAM Awards, in a press release. “This event is open to all members of the community who wish to join us in recognizing and celebrating the achievements of our Black scholars and adult advocates.”

Over 750 awards will be given to Black scholars and Black adults, including staff, leaders and parents/guardians. Names were submitted for awards based on the following five categories:

  • Models Excellence in Academics
  • Models Excellence in Teamwork
  • Exemplary Peer Leadership
  • Models Excellence in Responsibility
  • Extraordinary Growth

 For more information about the B.E.A.M. Awards, click here.