Bikes for Kids Wisconsin, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing the use of bicycle-based transportation for everyone by increasing access, will be distributing 1,400 bicycles over the next two weeks.
“It is so important that we give bikes to kids because through our work, we have found that if a kid doesn’t have a bike, they won’t want one as an adult. Bikes provide an excellent means of transportation that is good for us and good for our community and the planet,” said Kristie GoForth, executive director of Bikes for Kids Wisconsin in a press release. “Bikes also provide low-cost and efficient transportation, especially in Dane County where bike infrastructure is top-notch.”
Over 100 volunteers will help distribute bikes to 38 organizations like The River Food Pantry, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dane County, Boys and Girls Club of Milwaukee, Bridge Lakepoint Waunona Neighborhood Center, Reach Dane, JustDane, Dane County Corrections, and many more.
After the 2024 Bike Giveaway events, the organization will have distributed over 12,500 bicycles throughout Dane County and Wisconsin since the first bike giveaway in spring 2017.