The line-ups for season five of The Central Park Sessions was announced today and it will feature talented musicians and diverse music from all over the world. The music will take place at McPike Park (formerly Central Park) on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the beginning of August.
“The thrilling music heading to The Sessions main stage will depart from four continents and will build on the excitement generated by our June 3rd initial Pursuit of Happiness Session (POH),” says Central Park Sessions founder and coordinator Bob Queen in a statement. “That opener galvanized the music, dance and comedy communities of Madison into a unique entertainment consortium that plans to reconvene next year.”
Queen added that the Central Park Sessions Board prides itself in creating this concert series in conjunction with several non-profits doing effective work throughout Dane County.
“This year’s partner list includes Centro Hispano, Urban League of Greater Madison, Tenant Resource Center; WORT-FM; Omega School and CommonWealth Development Corp. which serves as our host agency,” Queen said in a statement. “These community groups benefit through raffle ticket sales and profit sharing and can promote their successful and essential programs on their evening in the limelight.”
Every night there will be a wonderful array of dining options plus a fine beer, wine and cider selection. This is a free event and a fundraiser and patrons are requested to leave their coolers behind and pets should remain at home also. Event t-shirts and caps will be sold at the merchandise tent on the North side of the Great Lawn.
Central Park, 215 S Brearly St., is located on Madison’s near east side in the Marquette Neighborhood a block below Williamson Street.
The Central Park Sessions—The August Pairs
August 1st
The Novalima Select Session (RE Golden Produce)
5:15 pm Golpe Tierra
The Madison Choro Ensemble (6:30 pm, 8:30 pm tent)
7:30 pm Novalima (Peru)
9:00 pm Novalima (set two)
August 2nd
Kiki‘s Righteous Session – (Willy St. Co-op)
5:00 pm Faux Fawn
The Tony Barba Quartet (6 pm, 7:45 tent)
6:30 pm John Langford’s Four Lost Souls
8:30 pm The Baseball Project
August 8th
The Fiddlers Three Session (MG&E)
5:00 pm Wheelhouse
6:30 pm JigJam (Ireland)
8:30 pm The Sadies (Canada)
August 9th
The Justin Townes Earle Select Session (WI Distributors)
5:15– Mal O Dua
6:45 –The Nick Brown Band
8:30–Justin Townes Earle backed by The Sadies
August 15th
The Dakha Brakha Select Session – (Willy St. Co-op)
5:15 pm The Yid Vicious Klezmer Ensemble
7:30 pm DakhaBrakha (Ukraine)
9:00 pm DakhaBrakha (set two)
August 16th
The Globetrotter Session – (Dane Arts)
5:00 pm Charanga Agozá
6:30 pm Tribu Baharu (Colombia)
8:30 pm Red Baraat (Brooklyn/India)