As the destruction of our institutions, environment, and infrastructure move forward and as the United States continues to cede leadership of the world stage to China, Russia, and Europe, and becomes self-destructively insulated from the rest of the world … there is opportunity. This is an opportunity to re-imagine who we want to be.
This opportunity must first recognize that we can’t do this divided, that we must understand the diversity of our nation. Not work to center “white working class” needs, whose needs many times match others. But understand that black Americans and other Americans of color face unique problems, that working class Americans face unique problems, that white-collar workers face unique problems. Some of these problems intersect, others don’t, but as any problem you have to use the right too. So we can’t be scared to use different tools to address different problems. We can’t be scared to call out what the problems are, be it racism, sexism, economic oppression, ableism, climate change, and more.
We must unite behind the idea that we have a lot of work to do, that ignoring or sidelining issues that pertain to people of color is not the way forward. And addressing the growing economic despair of the rust belt must be talked about at the same time. But these things are not mutually exclusive – we can work to address these things at the same time.
“We have the opportunity to build something new off the crumbling edifice of America. Every ending is a new beginning and this can be the beginning of a society that elevates ideas, the public square, and humanity. There is not a nation on this earth that has the diversity of human and environmental resources of the United States. By investing in a sustainable way, environmentally and economically, we can build a nation that isn’t one of conquering or raw power, But one instead built upon the idea that our purpose should be that of human progress. Not about the acquirement of things and material goods, but of pushing ourselves further than we ever have before.”
Trump is isolating the United States from the rest of the world, and the world will move forward with or without us. As it can not count on United States leadership. Which means that we have to not just be against Trump, but we have to be for something. We have to answer and imagine what we are for.
We have the opportunity to build something new off the crumbling edifice of America. Every ending is a new beginning and this can be the beginning of a society that elevates ideas, the public square, and humanity. There is not a nation on this earth that has the diversity of human and environmental resources of the United States. By investing in a sustainable way, environmentally and economically, we can build a nation that isn’t one of conquering or raw power, But one instead built upon the idea that our purpose should be that of human progress. Not about the acquirement of things and material goods, but of pushing ourselves further than we ever have before.
Investments in science, in research, technology, history, and the arts, can fuel our society further than we’ve ever gone before. Both here and earth and beyond. We can replace the fossils of our factories with new ones that are building the machines and technology that will take us beyond where we are. Investment in public universities pushes research of new technology, which can be built in places where those that love to work with their hands can.
We can be one of a family safety net, whereas you’re working hard being trained anew to build anew, you know that you won’t lose your house, can provide food for your family, that your children have access to an education. Your hard-working family should not have to suffer for a company moving a factory out. Your hard-working family does not have to suffer as we’re training hurting towns to build our new future.
If you’re asking why should we do these things? Answer why should we not? Why should we not make sure our environment that gives us life and helped humanity thrive beyond belief be taken care of and be sustainable? Not only is it the right thing to do, it also saves hard-working families money.
Why should we invest in the arts? All people enjoy the arts in some form, it helps us learn about ourselves, as it is a part of humanity. Investing in the arts is investing in humanity and in yourself.
Investing in the advancement of humanity is investing in ourselves. Right now, both parties are failing to do so, one more than the other. One is actively destroying humanity as the other fails to defend it to the extent it needs to. Failing to say health care is a human right loud enough. Ceding space of public institutions to private goods. Still pushing materialism over humanity in not pushing to break up the billionaire banks that write them checks. Now that doesn’t mean there aren’t individuals fighting the fight, but speaking strictly as a whole, our leaders are failing us miserably.
Which means it’s time to make space for new leaders, with new ideas, with a vision, a reality of what we can be. Of a nation that is united behind the idea of family, community, of coming together because it is what’s right. Of investing in each other, as if your neighbor is doing well, it helps you. And, likewise, you doing well helps your neighbor.
We need to be investing in taking care of each other and our environment. In leaders that believe in ideas, not in fear of the other. Leaders that believe in engaging with others, not isolating ourselves because of fear, want of power, and egos. Leaders that see the diversity of America is what makes it strong. Leaders that see and understand we can never be what we once were, but that doesn’t mean we can’t become something better.
“We can either let our fears of climate change, immigrants, Donald Trump, loss of privilege and power, or whatever your fear might be, rule us. Or we can stand resolute in the face of adversity, stand powerfully together, knowing we’re doing what is right and knowing we’re supporting our diverse communities of need, be it our black and brown brothers and sisters in Milwaukee struggling for good schools, clean water, housing, job opportunities, and more. Or be it our rural white working towns in need of infrastructure, job opportunities, access to education, and more. In understanding that addressing those similar needs in one way in one part of Wisconsin, doesn’t mean we’re not working on addressing it in another.”
We have to become a nation that supports every citizen’s rights to grow into hard-working, healthy individuals, families, and humans. A nation that understands that when faced with obstacles, the solution isn’t to ignore it and hope it goes away, but to be brave, to be courageous, and face them head on. As collectively we are not only stronger, but fear has no meaning if we stand together. As no obstacle that is in our way cannot be solved.
So let’s be more than what we are or have been. Let’s envision a nation that isn’t built upon empire, power, genocide, and fear. But one built on uniting together to face our fears and challenges. One that invests in you and your neighbors, in your and your families health, education, and well-being. Where you know that you have the support that you need when life throws you a curve, that the tools needed to move forward are there. Where we invest in challenging ourselves, to push ourselves further than we’ve ever been.
We can either let our fears of climate change, immigrants, Donald Trump, loss of privilege and power, or whatever your fear might be, rule us. Or we can stand resolute in the face of adversity, stand powerfully together, knowing we’re doing what is right and knowing we’re supporting our diverse communities of need, be it our black and brown brothers and sisters in Milwaukee struggling for good schools, clean water, housing, job opportunities, and more. Or be it our rural white working towns in need of infrastructure, job opportunities, access to education, and more. In understanding that addressing those similar needs in one way in one part of Wisconsin, doesn’t mean we’re not working on addressing it in another.
Because we understand that standing together, against those that put profit over you and your families, against your rights as a human, is our way forward. That standing together as climate change pushes our infrastructure to the brink, means we have a way forward. Fear is powerful, but I chose us, I chose together. Don’t let your fear of not knowing, of not understanding, of looking foolish, fear of the other, or whatever it is, push you. Let it be hope and knowing if we pause, look around, that we have what we need to solve our problems. We just have to be smarter about how we use our resources to do so. Because we can solve our problems, we can because we must.
According to, even as global warming effects are felt to a greater extent, that is not the end of things based on the calculations given by carbon footprint calculator. It is not over. Things just become more difficult, and we’ll have to adjust accordingly. We’ll have to work together to remake and reshape our nation into one that can withstand the effects. One that can deal with the humanitarian disasters to follow. There will be crisis and destruction, but also great opportunity to reshape who we are. Stand strong in that understanding, in knowing there is a path forward. Difficult, yes, but the path to this point has been perilous to all, not everyone survived, but we endured. Let’s steal up, stand strong together, grab a hold of courage, and endure.