By Lori Wirth
Goodwill of South Central Wisconsin. Inc.
Visitors to the community room at Goodwill Northside, 2901 N. Sherman Ave., will now be greeted by a vibrant mural created by art students from Malcolm Shabazz City High School under the direction of teacher Rachel Schramm. Goodwill of South Central Wisconsin (SCWI) opened the store on Madison’s Northside last fall. The new community room mural was unveiled by Schramm and Shabazz freshman Vanessa Mead earlier this spring before an audience of invited guests.
The store and its community room have been warmly embraced by the neighborhood. The community room, included in the new store at the request of local elected officials, accommodates up to 30 people and may be reserved for community meetings and activities at no charge. The community room is a first for Goodwill SCWI.
The welcome from the Northside neighborhood inspired Goodwill staff to reach out to the community for artwork that reflects the cultural heritage of the neighborhood and Goodwill’s guiding principles. Goodwill SCWI contacted Schramm with a proposal for students to contribute art to the space. With the school’s dedication to experiential learning, service-learning, authentic intellectual activities and green practices, Shabazz seemed an ideal choice for creating a community partnership. Schramm and her students rose to the challenge, devoting an entire quarter to the project.
The final concept was developed by Shabazz senior Lucas Spencer. It depicts the Northside as a diverse garden of flora, fauna and possibility. Lucas took his inspiration from the school’s Wildflowers identity. The detail of the mural is such that Goodwill provides a key that lists the flowers and wildlife and their meanings.