Home covid Slightly over 45 percent of eligible Dane County residents are vaccinated as 81 new cases are reported

Slightly over 45 percent of eligible Dane County residents are vaccinated as 81 new cases are reported

Slightly over 45 percent of eligible Dane County residents are vaccinated as 81 new cases are reported

After a delay in reporting yesterday due to DHS, Public Health of Madison and Dane County reported  a total of 81 new COVID-19 cases for the past two days, increasing the County’s overall total to 44,166. Cases overall have dropped by 20.2 percent in the past two weeks. Hospitalizations off people from in and out of Dane County grew by six with a total of 42 people currently hospitalized for COVID-19. For the past two weeks, hospitalizations grew by 10.7 percent.

For the past seven days, the rate of daily cases per 100,000 residents has remained at 9.5. Active cases have dropped to 880, still about two percent of total cases.

The total number of deaths from COVID-19 for Dane County grew over the weekend to a total of 302. Of the three deaths, all were white, with two men passing away and one woman. There was a death each for someone in their 60s, 70s and 90s. In total, there have been six deaths for the month of April of COVID-19 according to the latest update.

As reported on April 29, UW is averaging 3,575 tests a day for the past seven days for on-campus testing while cases have decreased by 14.5 percent the past 7 days to an average of 6.7 cases per day. The positivity rate for on campus testing for staff and students remains at 0.2 percent for the past seven days.

As of April 29, 31,518 UW students and employees have received at least one dose (from both off and on campus vaccinations).

Dane County’s 14-day positive test rate as of April 28 decreased to 1.1 while the seven-day rate has remained at 1.0. These rates do not include preliminary data from the past four days as that data continues to adjust as more tests are attributed.

More comprehensive data for vaccinations is updated every day for Dane County by only core measures. Data break down by race, ethnicity and age except those older than 65 have been removed. The current data listed  is retrieved from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry for all adults and children within the state. The release and the information on the dashboard does warn that some of this information may be incorrect or incomplete as the data is not updated as soon as someone is vaccinated or double checked as consistently as other data gathered. Break down on further information about vaccinations from the county is derived from DHS COVID-19 Vaccine data page by Madison365.org.

As of this morning at least 328,183 people – or 60 percent of all eligible Dane County residents – have received at least one dose while 45.1 percent or 246,751 have completed both doses. About 92.5 percent of adults 65 and older have received at least one shot.  Vaccination data is broken down between those who are 16 – 65+ on DHS’ website. No data for children is available as the vaccinations have not yet been approved for those under 15.

From all those who have received at least one dose of the vaccine, disparities amongst our communities of color continue. As of yesterday afternoon, based on race, those who are Asian now make up just under 5.3 percent of those who have received at one least one shot of a vaccination while accounting for 7 percent of the Dane County population. For Black people, who make up 6 percent of the population in the county, remained at 2.8 percent of the vaccinations. Those who are Native American/Alaskan Native dropped slightly to 0.67 percent as they make up .5 percent of the population. When broken down by ethnicity, Hispanic/Latinx people in our county make up 7 percent of the population but continue to make up only 4.4 percent of those who have received at least one shot of a vaccine.

We will have an update later this afternoon for statewide numbers.