Home Madison Unique Madness Social Club Taking their Show on the Road to Serve...

Unique Madness Social Club Taking their Show on the Road to Serve Food at Tent City in Milwaukee


The women of the Unique Madness Social Club will serve hot meals to homeless living at Tent City in Milwaukee on Sunday, August 18.

“This is a little different because it’s a hot cooked meal,” Unique Madness President Alice Larrue said.

Larrue said this will be the group’s second event serving food. Unique Madness recently held an event in April when they gave Easter baskets to homeless men downtown Madison after accepting dozens of donations from coworkers, friends, family and community members.

This time the social club will serve residents of Tent City fried chicken, baked potatoes, salad, dinner rolls and desert. Sweets by Sweet owner Michelle Bozeman donated 60 cupcakes. Larrue also said her brother’s restaurant staff volunteered to prepare all of the food. 

“I think it’s kind of cool that the kitchen staff wanted to be involved because that’s their off day,” she said.

Crab It Your Way Restaurant in Milwaukee agreed to donate all of the food for the event. Larrue said once word of the event began to spread people began messaging the restaurant asking how to get involved.

“Everything is sponsored. We didn’t have to do nothing. All we’re bringing is our hands,” Larrue said. “We just have to be there to serve it and package it up.” 

Larrue said Unique Madness is grateful to have opportunities to serve within Madison and other places. Since April, the group participated in the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and a music video release party for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

“We’ve had the opportunity to meet more organizations. We were apart of a video for an agency that helps people with mental illness. When we did the Easter event, we were actually asked to be apart of the video,” she said. 

Unique Madness hopes to continue to foster collaborations with other groups in Madison and other places. Larrue believes Unique Madness could go further and grow even bigger.

“When we first started, our email was empty but now it’s like everyday there’s different people and organizations asking for our help,” she said.

The event on Sunday will begin at 5 p.m. The women from Unique Madness will arrive to Milwaukee earlier that day to spend some time getting to know the women of the Princess Cut Diamondz Social Club before serving together.