Home Featured Urban League of Greater Madison providing free rides to the polls for community members

Urban League of Greater Madison providing free rides to the polls for community members

Urban League of Greater Madison providing free rides to the polls for community members

As part of their efforts to help ensure everyone has access to vote, the Urban League of Greater Madison is offering free rides to the polls for community members during early voting and on Election Day.

The Urban League of Greater Madison is joining the National Urban League and several other partners in a nonpartisan effort to register more voters, educate voters on their rights, and motivate more voters to get out to the polls. To sign up for a ride, click here.

The Urban League is also coordinating times for community members to do neighborhood canvassing. Volunteers at various neighborhood canvassing events will provide information and help answer questions about where to vote, voter ID requirements, early and absentee voting rules, and more. Training and snacks will be provided. The locations have yet to be determined. The volunteer dates are:

  • Saturday, Nov. 2: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Monday, Nov. 4: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Volunteers are also needed for Roll to the Poll Drivers on Election Day to help drive individuals to and from the polls who may have transportation access or mobility challenges. To volunteer either for canvassing or Roll to the Polls, click here.