Home Featured Urban Triage gets almost $9 million more for rent support

Urban Triage gets almost $9 million more for rent support

Urban Triage gets almost $9 million more for rent support

Urban Triage, Inc. has been awarded additional rental support funds in the amount of $8,955,247.00 to support residents within Dane County who reside outside of the City of Madison.

In July of 2021, Urban Triage (UT) acquired the seconnd largest contract with Dane County Human Services for $12,382,949.00 to provide rental support to residents outside the City of Madison. With those funds, Urban Triage established “a stigma-free program with a customer care center, in-person support, and on-line chats.”

In September of 2021, Urban Triage and Dane County Human Services initiated their rental support program as part of the Dane County CORE 2.0 collaboration with the City of Madison, Community Action Coalition (CAC), and Tenant Resource Center (TRC). An Urban Triage representative said the organization expects to have served approximately 1,600 families and 4,200 individuals through the program by the end of the week.

“We’re excited and honored to continue the work of serving those most vulnerable. And
humbled to announce that our processing time has been cut to four weeks,” Urban Triage founder and CEO Brandi Grayson said in a statement.

Urban Triage provides other programming centering Black families and other
vulnerable community members, including the Unhoused Neighbor Initiative, which locates, identifies, and builds relationships with those experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. The initiative is designed to provide immediate support, intervention, and connection with direct access points to housing resources. To date, Urban Triage has distributed nearly 12,000 meals and placed 120 families into permanent homes through the Unhoused Neighbor Initiative.