Home Madison Work beginning on Worthington Park-Schenk Neighborhood Plan

Work beginning on Worthington Park-Schenk Neighborhood Plan

Work beginning on Worthington Park-Schenk Neighborhood Plan

Do you envision a better future for the Worthington Park and Schenk neighborhoods? The City of Madison Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development is looking forward to working with the Town of Blooming Grove and interested residents, business owners and neighborhood groups to update the Schenk – Atwood – Starkweather – Worthington Park Neighborhood Plan adopted by the City in 2000. Many of the Plan recommendations have been implemented and the City and neighborhood leadership decided it was time to revisit and update the Plan.

• What do you like about your neighborhood? What would you change about it?
• What are the key issues of importance to you and your neighbors in the next 10-15 years?
• How can the city and other organizations work together to accomplish our neighborhood’s vision?

A Worthington Park-Schenk Neighborhood Plan Public Open House will be held Oct. 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Hawthorne Branch Public Library, 2707 E. Washington Ave.

Apply for a position on the Steering Committee. A neighborhood-based steering committee of 11 individuals will be appointed by the Mayor to guide the planning process. A diverse steering committee is a must: we want to have individuals that are long-term residents to newcomers in the area, homeowners and apartment residents, business tenants to business owners, and individuals from different ages, income, race and ethnicity. Simply: we want to have a diverse array of voices involved in charting the future by serving on the steering committee, task groups, or attending planning meetings. Applications for the Steering Committee can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/mayor/mycommit/. Depending on the timing of Mayoral appointments to the Committee and coordination with City staff, Steering Committee meetings could start later this year or early next year, and last for approximately one year.

The planning area is roughly bound by East Washington Avenue to the west, State Highway 30 to the north, Union Pacific Railroad to the south, and Fair Oaks Avenue to the east. We will be working with the established neighborhoods, business community, centers of worship, public and private schools, and other important stakeholders to ensure a relevant, workable strategy is developed. The success of the plan will be contingent upon the involvement of residents and the business community.

For more information, click here.