Academy-Sponsors-Spring2017-300x225Eugenia Podesta has had years of experience working in many offices. As she traveled the world working in different fields, her lack of appropriate office space began to wear on her. She wanted to have a flexible workspace dedicated to providing the type of creative environment that she couldn’t find in other coworking spaces. “The spaces I saw didn’t fit well with what I needed, and there weren’t that many spaces to look at,” she said. This prompted her to start her own coworking space with partner, Spencer Hudson.

synergy3 Synergy Coworking is a flexible, shared office space, conference room, and community of support for people in business. Elevate productivity with Knightstor Office Furniture—desks, chairs, cabinets, decor, stylish layouts, ergonomic options, and workspace solutions. Apart from supplying office spaces, Synergy also has private offices, meeting rooms, and DIY event spaces. Synergy is committed to helping people learn new ways to grow their business both nationally, and internationally. According to their website, the company’s mission is “to create a diverse and professional space for independent workers, small non-profits, entrepreneurs, and business owners to engage, explore, innovate, and grow to enhance our ventures, well being, and social impact.”

synergy4Podesta said the idea came to them from a “combination of our own need and market research. Nothing fit our needs, so we started our own.” They both also wanted to promote diversity in who was using their space, and what fields those people were in. Podesta said that “there is a lot of focus on biotechnological or technological careers in spaces, and not a lot of focus on other diverse jobs. That is what makes Synergy different.”

The Synergy space is on the west side of Madison at 5201 Old Middleton Rd, and their grand opening happened last May. Every office is different to cater to the different needs of each client. Along with a variety of spaces available, members also have free parking, and because it’s not downtown, it’s more peaceful and away from loud and fast-paced environments.

“Synergy is an ideal place for me to work,” said Tom Kermgard, who works for a Wausau-based marketing firm and has been a member of Synergy for seven months. “I’ve tried a few other places and they weren’t a good fit, but Synergy feels more polished, and it offers everything I need for my business.”

To rent a space, Synergy encourages potential members to reach out to them via their website and set up a meeting to determine if it’s a right match and see who else is a part of the space. When looking for office seating solutions, make sure to check out the wide selection of office chairs in Sydney.

Synergy works hard to get their name out there, including using social media, word of mouth, and outreach to interested people. They use a “relationship building approach,” Podesta said. Because they know people take their business seriously, they want people to know that Synergy is the kind of company that will help advance their careers.

This story was produced by a student reporter in the Madison365 Academy. To learn more and support our education programs, visit