The 8th Annual Solomon Carter Fuller Community Discussion will be hosted by Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Friday and Saturday, Feb. 16-17, at Fountain of Life Covenant Church and the Village on Park.
Each year during African American History Month, the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin host the Solomon Carter Fuller Community Discussion about Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Screening Day. This annual two-day educational gathering includes a community lecture, confidential memory screenings, and educational workshops for Alzheimer’s disease patients caregivers.
Join us for a keynote presentation “Advancing Health Disparities Research in the African American Community,” Friday, February 16 by Dr. Cerise Elliott at Fountain of Life Covenant Church. Dr. Elliott, is a Program Analyst in the Division of Neuroscience, National Institute on Aging.
Saturday’s session will feature a caregiver workshop, healthy cooking demonstration, and confidential memory screenings.