Home Featured Ho-Chunk Nation flag takes official place at Madison Municipal Building

Ho-Chunk Nation flag takes official place at Madison Municipal Building

Ho-Chunk Nation flag takes official place at Madison Municipal Building

Starting today, the City of Madison will fly the flag of the Ho-Chunk Nation in front  of the Madison Municipal Building on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.  

Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway signed a proclamation today causing the flag to be flown “in honor of Ho Chunk Day and in recognition of the fact that the City of Madison is located on the Nation’s ancestral  land.” 

Much of what is now south-central, central and western Wisconsin was home to the Ho-Chunk people and their ancestors for thousands of years.

“I hope that flying the Nation’s flag will be a reminder to us all that our city exists on land that belonged  to the Ho-Chunk,” Rhodes-Conway said in a statement. “This is a way to honor that history, and to strengthen the  ties between the City and the Nation.” 

In 2018, the Madison Common Council declared the day after Thanksgiving to be Ho-Chunk Nation Day in  the City of Madison. Alder Arvina Martin, A member of the Ho-Chunk Nation was instrumental in the  declaration of Ho-Chunk Nation Day.  

“I am excited to see the Ho-Chunk Nation flag flying at Madison Municipal Building today,” Martin said in a statement, “The acknowledgement of this area’s history, present, and future as intertwined with the  City’s sets us up for more successful partnerships as we go forward, and recognizes the importance of the  Ho-Chunk contribution to the Dejope area. I look forward to working together to build more  innovative solutions to the issues we both face.” 

The flag that will fly was presented to Rhodes-Conway in a flag exchange ceremony in 2019  between the Mayor and Ho-Chunk nation president Marlon WhiteEagle. 

“The People of the Ho-Chunk Nation appreciate this momentous occasion by the City of Madison. The  flying of the Ho-Chunk flag affirms the Ho-Chunk people’s rightful place in history, in this place from the  Ice Age until now and well into the future,” WhiteEagle said in a statement. “The Ho-Chunk people are grateful  for this recognition and hopeful we can continue to live and work together, making each day better than  the last. May the Ho-Chunk flag fly above the City of Madison with pride and dignity.” 

The Ho-Chunk flag was adopted in 1992. It is white with a green border and bears an ornate applique  design across the middle and the tribal seal in the center. The flag’s five basic colors – red, white, green,  blue, and black – represent specific animals in the kinship system in which each clan is associated with a  particular animal and hopes to gain the admirable qualities of that animal. Each color also has special  meanings in sacred tribal stories which are recalled by their use in the flag.