Home Wisconsin MMSD schools chief Mike Hernandez to moderate education panel at Wisconsin Leadership Summit

MMSD schools chief Mike Hernandez to moderate education panel at Wisconsin Leadership Summit

MMSD schools chief Mike Hernandez to moderate education panel at Wisconsin Leadership Summit
Michael Hernandez (Photo: A. David Dahmer)

Mike Hernandez, who took over as chief of secondary schools in the Madison Metropolitan School District last year, has generously agreed to lead a panel discussion titled “Redefining success: How do we measure the success of our students and bridge even larger achievement gaps during COVID” on Tuesday, October 6, the second day of the 2020 Wisconsin Leadership Summit.

Hernandez has a long history in the district, serving as principal of East High School for four years and Sherman Middle School for eight years before that. He taught in Ohio and California before getting his first principal job in California and then in the Chicago area. Hernandez and his family moved to Madison in 2007.

The Summit this year is all online, so you can attend from the comfort of your home or office. It will feature 25 sessions over five days from October 5-9, all for just $79 (or less if you work for a nonprofit organization or government agency, or if you’re a student). Get more details and register now at WisconsinLeadershipSummit.com!