Home covid PHMDC reports 68 new cases and 12 new deaths

PHMDC reports 68 new cases and 12 new deaths

PHMDC reports 68 new cases and 12 new deaths

Public Health of Madison and Dane County reported 68 new COVID cases today, bringing the county’s cumulative total to 37,358. Recovered cases in Dane County grew to 34,98 after today’s update while active cases dropped slightly this morning to 2,104 or about six percent of all cases. Out of all cases in Dane County, about 52 percent of cases were in Madison while 48 percent have been outside of Madison.

The 14-day positive test rate as of January 21 is now at 3.1 while the seven-day rate as of Jan 21 is 2.4. These rates do not include preliminary data from the past four days.

Deaths in Dane County grew to 240 this morning, with most of the deaths remaining among those 70 and older. Of the 12 additional deaths, five were those in their 70s, four in their 80s, one person in their 90s, one in their 60s and one in their 30s.  One additional death was added to December’s total, which now brings it to 87 while an additional 11 deaths were added to January. January now has 25 total deaths from the pandemic.

Hospitalizations in Dane County, including both residents of Dane County and people from neighboring counties, rose to 77 this morning.

For Dane County residents, the number of people ever hospitalized for COVID-19 has grown to 1,124.

According to DHS’ website, Dane County has given 49,644 doses of the vaccination – the most of any county.

Madison365 has updated our weekly map of COVID-19 cases in the county by census tract.

We will have an update later this afternoon for statewide numbers after 3 pm.