Seeing Black through Blue Eyes, a race relations/police & black community issues program, will take place Friday, Dec. 4, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Wyndham Garden Hotel, 2969 Cahill Main in Fitchburg.
The objectives of this program is to:
Provide an overview of historical trends of White perceptions of Blacks in America.
Create a safe and positive learning environment for participants to explore their personal beliefs and
values regarding race in America.
Give participants the opportunities to contrast their beliefs and values regarding race through a lively
interaction with expert panelist. Panelist will discuss the social dynamics of current racial conflicts across America e.g. Ferguson, Baltimore, Charleston, Madison, N.Y. and more.
Conduct workshops and apply what is learned from dialogue with the program panelist to participant’s personal, community or institutional challenges
For more information, click here.