Home Events Seeing Black through Blue Eyes

Seeing Black through Blue Eyes


Seeing Black through Blue Eyes, a race relations/police & black community issues program, will take place Friday, Dec. 4, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Wyndham Garden Hotel, 2969 Cahill Main in Fitchburg.

The objectives of this program is to:
 Provide an overview of historical trends of White perceptions of Blacks in America.
 Create a safe and positive learning environment for participants to explore their personal beliefs and
values regarding race in America.
 Give participants the opportunities to contrast their beliefs and values regarding race through a lively
interaction with expert panelist. Panelist will discuss the social dynamics of current racial conflicts across America e.g. Ferguson, Baltimore, Charleston, Madison, N.Y. and more.
 Conduct workshops and apply what is learned from dialogue with the program panelist to participant’s personal, community or institutional challenges

For more information, click here.