Home Events TenthTalks Townhall: Mainstream Media Portraying Violence in MKE

TenthTalks Townhall: Mainstream Media Portraying Violence in MKE


State Rep. David Bowen will host “TenthTalks Townhall: Mainstream Media Portraying Violence in MKE” on Tuesday, June 27, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Wisconsin Black Historical Society, 2620 W Center St. in Milwaukee

In light of an already violent start to summer in Milwaukee, State Representative David Bowen will host a community forum on media’s role in how Milwaukee is portrayed and the community’s role to push more positive stories to media sources. Speakers and panelists will join the conversation to identify mainstream media’s impact on how Milwaukee is viewed outside of Milwaukee, their role and how that role can be redefined to show an inclusive angle moving forward. Strong partnerships between local media and community partners are important for the sake of transmitting positive and powerful stories that shed light on the efforts of the people on the ground to make Milwaukee a better place for all, an effort on both ends is important for this to happen. Come listen as media and community discuss this important issue and join the conversation on how we can all make positive strides.