Torrie Kopp Mueller has been awarded the Jeffery Clay Erlanger Civility in Public Discourse Award.
The award was created by the Common Council to honor Madison residents who exemplify Jeff Erlanger’s model of fairness, openness, and civility in public discourse. Erlanger, who passed away in 2007, was committed to public service. He understood that through civil debate and effective representation those with varying opinions could come together on how to solve issues within the community. Mr. Erlanger served on the City of Madison’s Economic Development Commission and chaired the Commission on People with Disabilities as well as the Board of Directors of the Community Living Alliance.
Torrie Kopp Mueller has been an employee of the YWCA since 1999 and currently serves as President of the Homeless Services Consortium. She has been described as a tireless advocate for low-income and homeless families as well as being passionate about building relationships and community collaboration. Her passion for a combination of human rights and public advocacy are what resulted in her selection for this year, the 10th awarding of the Erlanger Award.
“It was suggested that Torrie is a wonderful example of the qualities that Jeff Erlanger exemplified and I certainly agree,” said Mayor Soglin. “As we all work together to make Madison a better place, Torrie’s efforts are invaluable and I am delighted that we are able to honor her.”
“It was my pleasure to be part of the team that selected Torrie for this year’s 10th award in my son Jeff’s honor,” said Pam Erlanger. “She puts the needs of the most vulnerable members of our community first, something Jeff would certainly agree with.”
Ms. Mueller was honored at the November 22 Common Council meeting, the meeting closest to Jeff Erlanger’s November 30 birthday.