Home Featured Week in Review for April 7

Week in Review for April 7

Week in Review for April 7

URP_Madison_Wisconsin_logo_Color_9-16-09_from_A_VeakHere are your favorite stories of the past week, brought to you by University Research Park.


colleagues-437024_960_720We continued to add jobs to our job listing section.





P_RobertPierce01We profiled urban farmer and local food advocate Robert Pierce.





Madison365 CEO Henry Sanders

We announced 365 Academy, a summer internship program with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County that will train young people of color in journalism.




U.S. Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) smiles as he walks at the end of the day of the House Freedom Caucus meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington October 21, 2015. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas SAP is the sponsor of this coverage which is independently produced by the staff of Reuters News Agency.

Columnist David Hart declined Paul Ryan’s apology for past statements about the poor.





P_Trumpprotesters02We reported on the anti-Trump protesters who want #NoHateInOurState.




Patrick Sims expresses anger on YouTube and Facebook

We reported on a video posted by a visibly emotional Vice Provost Patrick Sims in response to another racist incident on the UW campus.



Launa Owens, second from right, received a racist note.

We were also first to interview the victim.






P_CeqIBLnWEAELl6V (1)THE REALAnd columnist Matthew Braunginn reacted to the incident by writing about the white supremacy of #TheRealUW.