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15th Annual North Star Awards Will Honor Unsung Heroes

15th Annual North Star Awards Will Honor Unsung Heroes
Terrence Thompson will be presented with the High Impact Award Winner at the 2019 North Star Awards.

The 2019 North Star Award Winners will be presented to outstanding community members on Friday, Nov. 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center on Madison’s north side.

The Northside Planning Council started the North Star Awards 15 years ago as an opportunity to honor those unsung heroes who, often under the radar, put their heart and soul into our community.

The emcee for the 2019 North Star Award Winners will be Charles McLimans, president and CEO of The River Food Pantry. The awards will be presented by Syed Abbas and Rebecca Kemble, alderpeople from districts 12 and 18, respectively, on Madison’s north side. 

There will be ive music from Betsy Ezell and hors d’oeuvres from FEED Bakery and Catering Training Program.

Terrence Thompson will be presented with the High Impact Award Winner at the 2019 North Star Awards. As Facility Manager for the Warner Park Community Recreation Center, Thompson has made the Center a more welcoming place for northside youth by pursuing policy changes and building collaborative partnerships.

“We’ve had this laser focus on the neighborhood youth having a safe place where they can go on a daily basis,” said Thompson in a recent Northside News article. “The Center has been really focused on creating that welcoming environment. It’s a place where these young folks want to be.”

Other honorees will include:

Arree Macon was nominated by two different people who have seen the impact of his work with youth at both Capital High School and Lake View Elementary Community School. He goes above and beyond for all Northside students inside and outside of the classroom, bringing their voices and ideas into assignments and serving as a tutor, mentor and role model.

Arree Macon

◉ Beth Welch‘s contributions can be spotted all across the Northside: as a Lead Trainer at Options in Community Living supporting individuals with disabilities; as Secretary for the Mendota Elementary Community School PTO; and as a Board member of Troy Gardens Housing Community, Commonwealth Development and other local organizations.

As a volunteer with the Northside Farmers Market for over 10 years and a board member for six, Winnie Bade has been a vital part of continuing this community space on the Northside. Her contributions range from coordinating volunteers to maintaining the Market’s finances, and much more.

◉ Pulcherie Gandjui is a constant presence at Vera Court Neighborhood Center, dedicating her time to bringing her community together. In addition to the care and joy she shares with coworkers, neighbors and youth, Gandjui helped developed a French club and weekly computer classes at the Center.

Since 2016, Dennie Peterson has given over 1,000 hours of volunteer service to The River Food Pantry as a lead volunteer with The River’s MUNCH Truck, a mobile lunch program that serves eight Northside neighborhoods.

Haywood Simmons
(Photo by A. David Dahmer)

Through his organization, Coach’s Club, Haywood Simmons and his staff, in collaboration with North District Captain Brian Ackeret, stepped up during the summer of 2019 to bring engaging activities to youth out in the neighborhood.

◉ Janet Dyer has held an office at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center since 1999 as a Supervisor for MSCR, providing mentoring and guidance for countless youth on the Northside with a focus on equity.

◉ Susie Hobart cultivates a strong love of learning in Lake View Elementary Community School students as the Outdoor Classroom Coordinator. Hobart helps maintain the Classroom and works with youth, staff and families to ensure that children can have meaningful learning experiences in the natural environment.

◉ Harley Lemkuil is a board member and former volunteer coach for the East Madison Little League. Lemkuil mows, stripes and maintains their four fields and has contributed countless hours over the past 20 years to ensure that youth have the opportunity to enjoy playing baseball.

◉ Esther Wolobah is a senior at East High School and a two-time summer youth coach on the Madison Starlings volleyball team. Wolobah is also an artist, leader on the court and a role model to other youth.