Home Featured Gov. Evers to kick off Pride Month, raise Progress Pride Flag at State Capitol

Gov. Evers to kick off Pride Month, raise Progress Pride Flag at State Capitol

Gov. Evers to kick off Pride Month, raise Progress Pride Flag at State Capitol
Progress Pride Flag (Wikimedia Commons)

On Wednesday, June 1, Gov. Tony Evers will kick off Pride Month by raising the Progress Pride Flag at the Wisconsin State Capitol.

This will be the fourth annual Pride Month celebration to raise the Pride Flag at the Wisconsin State Capitol. In 2019 the Rainbow Pride Flag was flown over the Wisconsin State Capitol for the first time under the Evers administration.

June is recognized as Pride Month in Wisconsin and throughout the United States, which originally began as a recognition of and tribute to the Stonewall Uprising in 1969, and has become an annual, month-long celebration and recognition of the LGBTQ community.

For the first time in state history, the Progress Pride Flag will be raised over the east wing of the Wisconsin State Capitol building this year. The Progress Pride Flag was created to symbolize the inclusion of marginalized communities within the LGBTQ community and includes additional stripes forming a chevron pattern that represent LGBTQ individuals of color and the transgender community, as well as those who are living with and who have been lost to HIV/AIDS.

The U.S. flag and Wisconsin state flag will continue flying on the east wing flagpole above the Progress Pride Flag. The POW-MIA flag will continue flying on the north wing flagpole as it does every day.