Home covid Group to host “Safer at Home” virtual rally this weekend

Group to host “Safer at Home” virtual rally this weekend


Wisconsinites from across the state will participate in an online demonstration on Saturday and Sunday to demonstrate their support for Wisconsin’s current Safer at Home guidelines and a cautious approach to reopening.  

“Wisconsin has done a good job of controlling the virus thus far, and we feel that if anti-safety activists and certain politicians get their way, it will set us back and we’ll have to start this all over,” Marybeth Glenn, one of the event organizers, in a press release.  “No one is enjoying the limitations put in place, but the vast majority understands that the health of our citizens must be put at the forefront.”

The Facebook “Safer at Home Rally – WI” event will take place throughout the weekend and will follow additional online events taking place Friday. 

“We want to encourage as many people as we can to join us,” the organizers say on their Facebook page. “Originally, this began in Wisconsin, but regardless of where you live, we’d love to see everyone showing support and compassion for their fellow citizens, cheering on the healthcare workers putting their health on the line for us, and demonstrating our dedication to protecting the medically vulnerable.”

Participation will take place through online postings. A program is being finalized for Sunday, the organizers say, and the event is part of a new grassroots movement/online group called “We Support Governor Evers & Covid 19 Safer at Home Order” that started on Sunday, April 19, and now has over 12,000 members.

 “We have people from every avenue: small business owners, healthcare workers, Democrats, Republicans, healthy individuals, and the medically vulnerable,” Glenn said in a statement.  “We empathize with the financial and emotional struggles so many are experiencing due to the Safer at Home measures, and that includes members of our group. However, even if the restrictions are lifted, citizens do not feel safe and we are listening to the epidemiologists and healthcare professionals. Until we feel safe, Safer At Home order or not, Wisconsin will not begin the road to recovery.”