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Men’s Leadership Summit now free

Men’s Leadership Summit now free

The first-ever Men’s Leadership Summit is now free to attend, though registration is still required.

365 Media Foundation, the organization that publishes Madison365 and produces the Wisconsin Leadership Summit, announced recently that it will present a Men’s Leadership Summit in April and a Women’s Leadership Summit in June.

Registration is free and open now!





“Since we announced the Men’s Leadership Summit, it’s become clear that a year into the pandemic, even a relatively modest admission fee was a barrier,” said Henry Sanders, CEO of 365 Media Foundation. “Thankfully, we also have strong support from community-minded corporate sponsors, so we are happy to offer the Men’s Leadership Summit completely free of charge.”

365 Media will also host a Women’s Leadership Summit in June. Both are expected to be important networking, community-building and professional development events for men and women of color.

“Coming out of the 2020 Wisconsin Leadership Summit, we heard again and again that after this past year especially, people of color want more. More connection, more community-building, more opportunities to learn from each other,” said Henry Sanders, CEO of 365 Media. “We also heard that people want and need to dig into more specific issues. Black, Latino, Indigenous, Asian American, men, women — these identities all carry different challenges. So we want to create a space where men and women can be vulnerable, speak authentically, and hold each other up. We’re very excited for how the events are coming together.”

The Men’s Leadership Summit will take place on April 14 and 15, and the Women’s Leadership Summit will be scheduled for June. Both will take place fully online.

Speakers, moderators and panelists will be announced in the coming weeks. Proposed panel topics include:

  • Pathways to C Suite
  • Working Toward Wealth
  • Too often ignored: health disparities among men of color and the impact on the family
  • Shared and Competing goals
  • Fatherhood through COVID & racial strife
  • Leadership in Politics
  • The Color of Masculinity: How our cultural education of manhood both hinders and helps us
  • With the Right Armor: Equipping our young men for their future
  • Steps to Avoid the Burnout
  • Nonprofit Leadership
  • Tokened on an Island: The shared experience of leaders of color in predominantly white spaces
  • The Big Steps: Paths to Entrepreneurship

The topics are subject to change and the schedule for the two days will be finalized soon.

More information is available at WisconsinLeadershipSummit.com/MensSummit.