Home Wisconsin Dr. Gloria Ladson Billings to moderate panel on “making space for the movement” at Wisconsin Leadership Summit

Dr. Gloria Ladson Billings to moderate panel on “making space for the movement” at Wisconsin Leadership Summit

Dr. Gloria Ladson Billings to moderate panel on “making space for the movement” at Wisconsin Leadership Summit
Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings (Photo by Marcus Miles)

Internationally renowned scholar of education Dr. Gloria Ladson Billings has agreed to moderate a panel at the Wisconsin Leadership Summit titled “Pandemic, protest and pedagogy: making space for the movement.”

Dr. Billings is a professor emerita of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she was a faculty member for more than 26 years and held the Kellner Family Distinguished Chair in Urban Education. She was a professor with the departments of Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Policy Studies, and Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. She is also currently serving a four-year term as president of the National Academy of Education. Last year, the American Educational Research Association’s Division B honored Ladson-Billings with a Lifetime Achievement Award at their Annual Meeting in New York City.

The session she leads will dig into the current moment and how growing up amid the dual epidemics of covid-19 and systemic racism will affect an entire generation of young people — and how educators can help them deal with it all.

The Summit this year is all online, so you can attend from the comfort of your home or office. It will feature 25 sessions over five days from October 5-9, all for just $79 (or less if you work for a nonprofit organization or government agency, or if you’re a student). Get more details and register now at WisconsinLeadershipSummit.com!