We have a problem in our communities that not very many people are talking about – a problem that has huge ramifications on our public health and our common good.
Sexual health and safety are topics not often discussed openly, but we need to have an honest and direct conversation about the disproportionate rates of disease in our community and how we can effectively address this critical issue.
Let’s take a closer look at the facts: an estimated 1 in 16 African-American men and 1 in 32 African-American women will be diagnosed with HIV infection in their lifetime. African-Americans make up approximately 12 percent of the U.S. population but account for 44 percent of all new diagnosed HIV infections. According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, there are almost 2,500 African-Americans with HIV in Milwaukee. Recently, the Journal Sentinel reported on a study indicating that African-American men and women in our community accounted for 64 percent of HIV diagnoses from 2010-2014 but only represent 40 percent of the city’s population.
It doesn’t have to be this way. In our community, we are fortunate to have resources like Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, whose health centers offer low-cost STD testing throughout the year as well as breast and cervical cancer screens, wellness exams, birth control, education, and health counseling.
During the month of April, Planned Parenthood is participating in the eighth annual “Get Yourself Tested” national campaign in collaboration with local health departments, including the City of Milwaukee Health Department. Throughout the month of April, Planned Parenthood is providing free STD testing to all patients in their clinics throughout the City of Milwaukee and across the state. Planned Parenthood health centers also provide low-cost STD testing year round.
Getting tested is quick, easy, and painless. For example, rapid HIV tests can provide results in as fast as 20 minutes from a swab inside your mouth. Tests and results are confidential.
Access to quality and affordable health care, resources, and information is a fundamental right for all people to reach their fullest potential and live safe, healthy, and strong lives. The fact is that our health shouldn’t depend on who we are or what city we live in. Rather than continue to be divided by health inequities, we need to work to achieve health access for all.
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is a leader in the battle against these health inequities in our community. I encourage you to join me in addressing these issues by getting tested. Visit Planned Parenthood to find a health center near you and make your appointment today.