Home Entertainment Ja’Malik named interim executive director of Madison Ballet

Ja’Malik named interim executive director of Madison Ballet

Madison Ballet announced Tuesday that artisitic director Ja’Malik will take on executive director responsibilities as CEO Jonathan Solari will leave the company after a four year tenure. The search for a new executive director will begin “as soon as possible,” according to a press release.
Solari joined Madison Ballet in March 2019. Throughout his tenure, the company achieved a number of significant milestones, including the return of live company performances for the Madison community with free public performances of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the 40th anniversary season finale Turning Pointe, outreach work performing The Nutcracker for refugees atFort McCoy, and leadership transitions with the welcome of Ja’ Malik as artistic director and Jacob Ashley as school director.
“It has been a pleasure to work with Jonathan as I settled into my role as Artistic Director. Madison Ballet’s reputation as one of the top performing arts organizations in Dane County has continued to strengthen locally under his leadership. Jonathan is leaving us in such a strong position to now expand our work on a national level,” Ja’ Malik said in a statement. “On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, we thank Jonathan for his determination, commitment, and passion. Because of his contributions, the company is well-positioned to launch a search for a new executive leader who will continue to build on Jonathan’s accomplishments and bring a fresh perspective for the future. We wish him the best in his next adventure in New Orleans.” 
“It has been a joy and honor to help lead Madison Ballet through some incredibly rewarding times, in addition to times of unforeseen challenge,” Solari said in a statement. “The organization is in an excellent place and entering an era of great opportunity under Ja’ Malik’s leadership. Madison Ballet has been an inspiring and meaningful chapter in my career, and I look forward to seeing all that comes next for the company.”