The Latino Academy of Workforce Development has teamed up with the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County and WRTP Big Step to host a construction career fair on March 7.
The career fair aims to bring 20 employers in construction to connect with job seekers and attract talent towards a career in the trades. While the Latino Academy has hosted its Construction Career Fair before, it will be the first time it will be held in collaboration with the Boys & and Girls Club and WRTP Big Step. It is currently looking for more employers to fill its 20 roster cap with 12 registered so far.
“Expanding access to career opportunities that lead to economic mobility and a high quality of life is essential for our community. This event creates a valuable space for individuals to connect directly with employers, ask questions, and explore careers in construction,” said Nydia Martinez, executive director of the Latino Academy. “By collaborating with industry leaders, we are strengthening the workforce, supporting businesses, and advancing careers that offer family-sustaining wages.”
All three groups have continuously worked towards bringing more opportunities in the trades in Wisconsin. While the career fair is not exclusively focused on youth, as many of the Boys & Girls Club’s efforts have been, youth are encouraged to attend along with families.
The Construction Career Fair is set for March 7, the same day Madison Metro Schools are closed for parent-teacher conferences.
Organizers hope to “inspire and prepare the next generation of skilled trades workers,” said Alan Branch, vice president of workforce development with the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County.
Currently 12 companies are registered. Companies include Dave Jones, IBEW Local 159, Reynolds Rigging & Crane Service Inc., Stevens Construction Corp., ABC Wisconsin, Cru Concrete, Daniels Construction, Fahmer Asphalt Sealers, TDS Telecommunications, Wisconsin Laborers’ Apprenticeship and Training Fund, WRTP Big Step and the City of Madison. Eight open slots remain.
The Construction Career Fair will be hosted at the McKenzie Regional Workforce Center, 5215 Verona Rd., Fitchburg, on March 7 from 9-5 p.m. It is free to attend with no registration required for job seekers. Registration is free but required for remaining slots for companies interested in the career fair.