Madison College and the Madison College Foundation has created the George Floyd Memorial Scholarship that will benefit Black students attending Madison College.
“This must end. No one can just stand by and say, ‘it doesn’t affect me,'” said Dr. Jack E. Daniels, III, president of Madison College. “Everyone is affected by the unjust death of George Floyd, whose breathing was compromised even after indicating, ‘I can’t breathe.’ It affects you, even if you don’t think it does.”
During the memorial service for George Floyd, Dr. Scott Hagan, president of North Central University where the service was held, challenged every university president across the nation to establish a scholarship in Mr. Floyd’s name, according to a press release from Madison College. Since then, dozens of colleges and universities have followed North Central’s lead and started scholarships in memory of George Floyd, whose death at the hands of Minneapolis police has led to massive national protests and worldwide demonstrations.
Madison College’s George Floyd Scholarship will benefit African-American students attending Madison College. Daniels has contributed the inaugural gift to this fund.