On June 11 tens of thousands of people will take to the streets in over 30 cities in the U.S. and seven more cities around the globe to march in solidarity with the Equality for Unity and Pride march in DC, and Madisonians will be among them.
The march, according to the national website, will be “mobilizing LGBTQ+ communities, our loved ones and our allies – with particular focus on those who have been actively silenced and neglected – in the fight to affirm and protect our rights, our safety and our full humanity.”
The sister rally in Madison is organized by a group going by the name The Rainbow Resistance.
“We want to stand in solidarity with those in D.C. And around the globe,” said Nicholus Loveland, a local march organizer.
Loveland says the march is a response to the current political climate and presidential administrations policies, which do not support LGBTQ+ rights.
“This administration isn’t about LGBT rights,” said Loveland.
Another local rally organized in remembrance of the Pulse Nightclub victims was planned to be held on the same day, but organizer Charles Wetzel joined Loveland and combined their efforts.
The march is intended to be an inclusive march that encourages members of all marginalized groups to attend.
“I think we’re just all standing together as a community and saying hey we’re not just going to sit by idly and let you take our rights away,” said Loveland. “We’re going to stand up and be heard”
The march will begin in Library Mall at noon and continue onto the capital. Speakers include Rep. Chris Taylor and GSAFE director of youth programming, Ali Mudrow. The group is still fundraising to cover the sound system needed for the rally.
So far 300 people have confirmed their attendance on the event’s Facebook page.
“We are living in what’s probably going to be a pretty long chapter in the history books so it’s important for everyone to all come together resist,” said Loveland.