Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes handily led fundraising in the race for United States Senate in the fourth quarter of 2021, but two other Democratic primary candidates — Alex Lasry and Sarah Godlewski — have more cash on hand, due to both giving their campaigns substantial loans of their own personal funds.
Incumbent Republican Ron Johnson also has more cash on hand than any Democratic challenger, despite slower fundraising in 2021.
Barnes brought in just over $1.2 million from October through December, compared to just over $711,000 for Johnson, $473,000 for Lasry and nearly $361,000 for Godlewski, according to campaign finance filings.
At the end of 2021, Johnson — running for his third six-year term — had about $2.46 million in the bank, compared to Godlewski’s $1.3 million, Lasry’s $1.12 million and Barnes’ $1.1 million.
Campaign disclosures indicate Lasry, a senior vice president with the Milwaukee Bucks and son of Bucks co-owner Marc Lasry, made a personal loan of $2.35 million to the campaign, and Godlewski, the Wisconsin State Treasurer, loaned her campaign $1.43 million. Barnes has not made any such loan or personal contribution to his own campaign.
In a tweet Wednesday, Barnes credited “small dollar donations” and said the most common profession of donors was teacher.
Barnes, 35, is seeking to become the state’s first Black US Senator. The primary election among 12 Democratic candidates will take place August 9 and the general election on November 8.