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Black Oxygen: Live from the Wisconsin Leadership Summit

Black Oxygen: Live from the Wisconsin Leadership Summit

The week’s episode of Black Oxygen features the Black Oxygen Panel conversation that was held at the 2020 Wisconsin Leadership Summit. This panel included several guests from previous Black Oxygen episodes including Opal Tomashevaka, Angela Lang, Ranell Washington and Everett Mitchell. In this episode, Rev. Mitchell says, “sometimes it is the screaming that allows for the healing.” During this conversation we chatted about so many things including: the guests’ Black Oxygen experience, what it is like to be a Black leader in 2020, what it would be like if we didn’t have to hustle for our worthiness, and what emotional and spiritual healing looks like when racial trauma wounds are continually re-opened. Sometimes we all need a space to let go and scream. For more information and reading on screaming and healing check out this piece – Love Rests in the Scream published on the Feminist Wire in 2015. I’ve come back to this article again and again and again.


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