The Sessions at McPike Park, a popular summertime concert series that benefits a variety of different Madison-area non-profits, has been canceled for 2020, its board of directors have announced.
“Of course we are disappointed with this interruption to the work that we love,” said Bob Queen, Central Park Sessions event coordinator and board president. “However, we can’t throw caution to the wind in this case as it is obvious that the first wave of the pandemic is still widespread and dangerous. Impatience will not serve us well as we are faced with the virulent COVID-19.”
The board of directors statement said that the organization is truly saddened by the circumstances confronting them and that “public gatherings of our size will not be feasible until an effective vaccine becomes readily available for the safety of our performers, volunteers, hired workers, vendors and faithful audience.”
“We look forward to returning stronger than ever in 2021 with an exciting lineup featuring three days of music, dance, and comedy at the Pursuit of Happiness Sessions in June, and four evening concert Sessions in mid- August,” the board of directors said. “We realize that there are economic hardships still to be dealt with. We thank those great sponsors who have been able to stick with us to ensure our unique vision.
The board says that it will now turn its focus to assisting its six effective nonprofit partners – Centro Hispano, The Urban League of Greater Madison, The Community Immigration Law Center, The Intertribal Agriculture Council, WORT-FM, and NAMI Dane County – by helping to fund their programs selling Sessions Raffle tickets in advance of an Aug. 23 drawing.