CEOs of Tomorrow-Teen Pitch & Launch Event will be held Saturday, Dec. 8, noon-3 p.m. at The Spark, 821 E. Washington Ave.
Join us for the exciting Teen Pitch & Launch Event featuring the talented teens in CEOs of Tomorrow’s These Teens Mean Busines$ Incubator Program. During the event, our aspiring teen entrepreneurs will pitch, launch and test their business ideas created to earn revenue AND create social good.
Event highlights:
Business Pitches!
Hear teens creative business ideas aimed at generating revenue AND addressing social and environmental issues of importance to them including colorism, homelessness, racial unity, marine pollution, police brutality, premature birth, mental health and animal abuse.
Open for Business!
Following the pitch presentations, explore and/or shop at each business. (Lunch also available)
Top CEOs Announced!
Witness the $1,000 1st place and $500 2nd place awarding of the Top CEO Businesses determined by our esteemed judges!
Pay it forward by support aspiring teen entrepreneurs – Registration now open!
Read more about it in this Madison365 article.