The City of Madison has named their popular “Movies in the Park” program in honor of Sina Davis, a long-time Allied Drive Neighborhood organizer and community advocate.
Over the past several years, the City of Madison Parks Division has developed Movies in the Park in concert with the City’s Neighborhood Resource Teams (NRTs), the City said in a press release today and Davis has provided the spark and was the main community driver behind the creation and development of the program.
“For as long as I’ve known Sina Davis, she has been a constant instigator for change and progress for her community,” Maurice Cheeks, longtime alder in the Allied Drive area, told Madison365. “Working alongside her for four years, I’ve witnessed her contributions to the safety, health, livability, and voting access of those in the Allied neighborhood. She has been at the heart of the progress that her neighborhood has felt, and her influence will be foundational to the progress that will be seen for years to come.”
In the Allied Drive neighborhood, Davis was a founder of the Allied Community Cooperative, served on the board of the Allied Wellness Center, helped start a local chapter of Mothers in the Neighborhood, ran the Welcomers Program, and was actively involved with the Allied NRT.
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway wrote a letter of appreciation to Davis recognizing her perseverance, tenacity, concern and work for the residents of Madison, particularly youth, adults and families of color.
“You have been a caring and fierce advocate for people who have no voice for many years, and I admire and appreciate everything you have done for this City,” Mayor Rhodes-Conway said. “It is an honor to name this program after you.”
Davis is currently in hospice. Even so, she has remained focused on the movies, checking to make sure they were scheduled so they would continue to bring people together.
The schedule for the 2019 Sina Davis Movies in the Park Program is available on the Parks Division’s website here.